Poreč has about 120 tennis courts, some of which are only 10 meters from the sea and the players are chilled by a comfortable breeze. Tennis lesson are organized as well.
T: +385 (0)52 410 579
Open: Easter - 15.10.
Number and type of courts: 18 clay courts, 3 concrete courts
Court rental price per hour: 1.3. - 22.3. and 2.6. - 15.11. (€12.00) / 23.3. - 2.6. (€16.00)
Distance from city center: 5500 m
Distance from the sea: 100 m
T: +385 (0)98 254 052
T: +385 (0)91 569 4950
Open: 1.1. – 31.10.
Number and type of courts: 4 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €16.00
Distance from city center: 5500 m
Distance from the sea: 100 m
Professional tennis coach (Tereza Mrdeža)
T: +385 (0)98 176 39 85
Open: 1.4. – 1.10.
Number and type of courts: 6 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €14.00
Distance from city center: 2000 m
Distance from the sea: 20 m
T: +385 (0)98 254 052
T: +385 (0)91 569 4950
Open: 1.1. – 31.12.
Number and type of courts: 3 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €15.00
Distance from city center: 2500 m
Distance from the sea: 45 m
T: +385 (0)91 5757 674
Open: 1.3. – 31.10.
Number and type of courts: 4 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €14.00
Distance from city center: 1500 m
Distance from the sea: 50 m
T: +385 (0)91 580 53 30
Open: 1.4. – 30.9.
Number and type of courts: 4 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €14.00
Distance from city center: 6000 m
Distance from the sea: 50 m
T: +385 (0)98 176 3985
Open: 1.4. – 15.10.
Number and type of courts: 4 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €14.00
Distance from city center: 2500 m
Distance from the sea: 50 m
T: +385 (0)98 610 960
Open: 1.4.-30.9.
Number and type of courts: 2 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €15.00
Distance from city center: 1500 m
Distance from the sea: 50 m
T: +385 (0)91 252 9991
Open: 1.4.-15.10.
Number and type of courts: 21 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €15.00
Distance from city center: 1500 m
Distance from the sea: 10 m
T: +385 (0)98 851 2986
Open: 1.4.-30.9.
Number and type of courts: 8 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €15.00
Distance from city center: 1500 m
Distance from the sea: 100 m
T: +385 (0)91 568 8632
T: +385 (0)99 495 1662
Open: 15.3.- 31.10.
Number and type of courts: 15 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €15.00
Distance from city center: 1000 m
Distance from the sea: 50 m
T: +385 (0)99 310 9749
Open: outdoor – 15.3.-15.11. / indoor – all year round
Number and type of courts: 18 tennis courts (clay, 16 outdoor and 2 indoor)
Court rental price per hour: €15.00
Distance from city center: 2000 m
Distance from the sea: 30 m
Cerova 43, Kukci, Nova Vas
T: +385 (0)91 98 81 112, +385 (0)95 90 10 956
Open: 1.3. – 1.12.
Number and type of courts: 4 clay courts
Court rental price per hour: €15.00 /hour
Distance from city center: 3000 m
Distance from the sea: 2000 m